Thursday, October 04, 2007


My baby is growing up. Okay fine, he's not a baby anymore. You would think his reminders of that fact (right, big boy!) would have taught me a long time ago. In any case, Henry started going to preschool a couple mornings a week about a month ago. It is at a Waldorf school just a few minutes away and things are going swimmingly. I have only twice found him at pick up time covered in snot and tears because he is so distraught about LEAVING school. He adores his teacher and from what I can tell he is doing just fine. It's a class of 3 and 4 year olds and he is on the younger end of the spectrum but he’s right in the middle as far as behavior and developmental levels go. They make soup and paint and bake bread and go outside everyday. There are only 9 kids in the class with 2 very attentive teachers and I am on the edge of becoming a Waldorf education convert. I have my misgivings but much less so than I do with public school for him at the moment. Really, I can’t believe I am even thinking this way. A few months ago public school for the duration was a foregone conclusion. Now I’m not so sure. Thankfully we have a couple of years before I even have to form a coherent thought on the matter so for now we plod along.

I am still having a hell of a time balancing my work, parenting, home and other lives and really need a solution. I think I need some professional help figuring this one out. I am pretty sure we are going to add two more mornings of preschool while there is an opening available but it really doesn’t help anything besides giving Henry more structure (and doing something he really loves more frequently). If we could all get over the damn colds that have been lingering for weeks it would certainly be a step in the right direction.

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Blogger nonlineargirl said...

I was feeling guilty about the idea of putting her in nursery school an additional day, but she loves it when she goes so I think it will be ok to do another day.

10/04/2007 9:37 PM  

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