Wednesday, July 18, 2007

looks like we've got retirement covered

This morning we were waiting for a cleaning person to come over (the mid-western, Lutheran guilt in my genes about not being able to keep my own house spotless could be the subject of at least another post if not an entire blog) and I was picking up toys and trying to get Henry out of his crappy mood. This cleaning person, Olivia, is new to us so I was telling him how nice she is and how she will help us get our house clean. He helped pick up a few toys as well. Olivia then called to tell me she was running late on account of little sleep caused by a toothache. Henry asked who was on the phone and I recounted the conversation to him. A few minutes later he said, “I’m going to help Olivia.” he paused long enough for me to figure that he meant he was going to pick up some more as he is sort of into that already. He then continued, “I am going to fix her tooth. I do a real good job.” I laughed out loud as he concluded, “yeah, but she might say no.” Later when she got here he told her that he was sorry her tooth hurt and when she started talking about how expensive it would be to see the dentist again he suggested $5 would be a good price and that he could help.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just love reading about Henry. He seems so mature and the things he says are just the cutest!

7/19/2007 6:13 PM  

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