Thursday, July 12, 2007

12 weeks old

Dear Mia,
Today you are 12 weeks old. We are in the middle of an intense electrical storm, something that happens rarely in Portland and I feel like writing a mushy, cheesy, silly letter professing my love for you. There are big bolts of lightening flashing and I can hardly believe that 12 weeks have past since you were born. I am so proud of our whole family. We have changed our lives completely and adapted and adjusted to new schedules and we are still holding things together (even if I have to keep reminding myself of that last part every day). But we are happy to do it, so happy to do it for you. I can hardly believe how much I love you already. You are such a strong, calm, sweet, goofy presence in our days. You are a little fussy now but we are used to it and we try to just do whatever you need to be comforted, knowing that it will pass soon and you will sweetly fall asleep on one of our bodies and wake up in the morning with grunts and snorts and coos (you are a very loud baby) and sleepy smiles. I can’t believe how much you are growing and changing in front of our eyes. I can hardly wait for each day that I get to know you better and love you more. I warned you I was feeling mushy.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

All I can say is... that is all tooooo sweet. It made me cry. I do much the same thing on my kids birthdays but I've got them in the kids' baby books. They don't even know they're there, and I don't think they WILL know until they ask to see the books. I ho9pe that the letters make them happy. I know Henry and Mia will cherish what you wrote. Simply beatiful

7/14/2007 1:59 PM  

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