Saturday, April 01, 2006

lucky me

This past week has been a really good one for me. Jason didn’t have any work, which is not a great thing for the obvious financial reasons, but for me and my sanity it has been amazing. I was able to get a lot of work done, start training a new employee (which will hopefully help a lot in the long run) spend time with Jason and Henry, take a few naps and finish our taxes. And we didn’t drive each other nuts! I love having him around in general but the benefits of having another responsible adult on call with Henry gave me room to breathe that I hadn’t realized I was missing. The days flew by and I didn’t have to dwell on whether or not it was a day I had Henry all day myself or whether I had to drive him to my mom’s before rushing to a meeting or how I was going to crunch in a deadline after he went to bed. Jason even did a little website project for a client that I was too crunched for and he probably did a better job than I would have. I am feeling very lucky.


Blogger nonlineargirl said...

Excellent week! I worked more than usual this week and then we spent the day today with Ada's grandparents. I have felt very child-free and have then enjoyed the time with Ada when we were back together.

4/01/2006 6:33 PM  
Blogger Bridgermama said...

I love when K is around to share the duties, don't ya just wish it could be like that all the time?

4/01/2006 10:32 PM  
Blogger mama without instructions said...

yes, yes i do wish it could be!

4/02/2006 1:19 PM  

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